Our Approach
Our Approach
Judaism must serve the Jew, not the other way around. This is the guiding principle of my work as a Rabbi. To serve each individual Jew requires each of us to view our tradition as organically changing. Judaism is an overarching umbrella, ever expanding to INCLUDE rather than exclude; to EMBRACE rather than reject. How can we reject when we know that God LOVES each person? It is only in this manner that the Jewish people will be an eternal blessing to humankind.
Our Story
Our Story
I have always enjoyed teaching and helping others. Even though I have practiced law and provided financial services for most of my adult life, I have also always found time to teach. Over the years, I have taught at The Ohio State University, Columbus State Community College, and most recently at Congregation Beth Tikvah in Worthington, Ohio. Before beginning my rabbinical studies, I studied in Israel, volunteered on several IDF bases and earned a MA in Jewish Studies from Gratz College. My goal is to use my varied educational and life experiences to assist you in creating a meaningful life cycle event that will be both enjoyable and memorable.
Next Steps...
Please call or e-mail me if you have any specific questions or would like to discuss how we can together create a meaningful and memorable life cycle event for you, your family and friends.